There are certain situations where you may be unsure if your company needs an additional restroom. If that’s the case for you, debate no more. There are five clear signs your company needs to rent a restroom trailer.
Your Facilities Are Undergoing Maintenance
Putting your staff out of sorts is not ideal for conducting a business of any kind. So, any time your primary restroom facility is undergoing maintenance, you should consider investing in a temporary restroom trailer to avoid disrupting their daily habits.
You Want To Minimize Foot Traffic
Suppose your primary facilities serve your everyday staff, but you’re having an influx of meetings or guests at the business. In that case, you might be looking to minimize foot traffic in your main facilities and divert users to temporary units. You can invest in luxury restroom trailers to provide the same experience as your primary restroom without worrying about typical porta-potty smells or a lack of proper sanitization.
You Need To Accommodate Special Circumstances
Almost every restroom must have an ADA-compliant stall, but depending on your company and needs, you may not have one, or you only have one communal restroom on-site. To accommodate more people, rent ADA-compliant facilities with fully functioning systems, such as hot and cold water and climate control.
It’s vital not to discriminate or downsize provisions when accommodating people with disabilities. Luxury ADA-compliant facilities are inclusive and comfortable.
Your Company Is Hosting an Event
If you’re hosting a large event at your company, you may need to accommodate more people than usual. For example, you could be throwing a company picnic. In these instances, you will need external, temporary facilities to meet these demands. A nine-station restroom trailer is convenient, luxurious, and accommodating. But don’t forget to follow ADA compliance.
Legal Obligations for Additional Restrooms
Certain work conditions legally require restroom trailers, for example, outdoor construction sites. These requirements are set forth by OSHA to help maintain the livelihood, health, and safety of everyone working on-site. Should you face legal obligations, investing in a simple porta potty is only a baseline and may not meet worker demands. With a luxury restroom rental, you can provide comfort and convenience to every user.
The signs you need to rent a restroom trailer may not be blatantly obvious, depending on your industry. But with these parameters in mind, you can help ensure each member of your business or company can enjoy privacy and peace of mind. Partner with The Lavatory to check service areas and receive a custom quote!